Bad Habits that May Ruin Your Smile
Ever find yourself chewing on a pencil or pen when you’re deep in thought? Or crunching on ice cubes on a hot summer’s day? While these everyday habits aren’t likely to cause health problems, they can result in chipped or cracked teeth and costly dental repairs.
If you feel compelled to pop a pencil in your mouth or create crushed ice instead of letting your refrigerator do the work, consider softer-on-the-teeth alternatives, like chewing sugar-free gum. Doing so increases saliva production, which can strengthen enamel.
Apples, carrots, cucumbers and celery are other sensible choices when it comes to satisfying your need to chew. These crunchy edibles are not only good for your body, but great for your teeth as well!
Scheduling regular dental checkups is another great way to ensure your teeth are in optimal condition.
Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy
Just as you want your child to have healthy bones for optimal growth, you want to ensure that they have strong teeth, too. This means limiting foods that can deteriorate them or weaken their development.
Did you know that carbohydrate sugars from crackers and crisps are just as harmful to teeth as sugary sweets? Make sure your child drinks water after eating them and have them brush their teeth if you can.
It’s also important that your child keeps their mouth healthy by brushing morning and night, flossing at least once a day and getting regular dental checkups. Calcium-rich foods such as cheese and milk can also fortify your child’s teeth.
Other good choices include crunchy, teeth-cleaning fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery and carrots. Foods containing phosphorus, such as chicken and eggs, are also good bets.
Is your child due for their six-month checkup and clean? Give us a call to schedule your appointment.